Contact Us

The best way to get a hold of us is by email. We answer our emails each day, sometimes several times a day if we're taking breaks from work. Try to envision just two people doing all the processes involved and you will see why patience with our email responses is a good thing.

Jim is frequently up to his eyeballs in smoke and flames. When he's not playing with fire, he probably has his hands covered in goo. He gets geared up with masks, gloves and goggles and sometimes it’s just impossible to respond to the peeps, honks, rings and “tunes” of the incoming messages.

Answering the phone is sometimes not possible. If you do call, please leave a message. It’s not an avoidance technique. We will answer the call. Our iPhones just don’t like the fire and goo as much as we do (well, as much as Jim does anyway). Also there is the small issue of living in rural hill country which makes cell reception, how do we say it..."interesting."

No, we don’t have a switchboard or a quirky admin to do the email…you call, you email you text and you get one of us to respond (usually reasonably quickly...we work on pottery time).

…and honestly, while our postal friends do fine with the packages, snailmail is farcical. We do like getting mail, but it's just not the easiest nor the fastest method to contact us.


JIM'S TELEPHONE NUMBER (see response times from above)

415-342-4052    (call or text)


Nevada City, CA 95959
(we're open by appointment)

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